Thursday, July 29, 2010


Nearing on 20 months, I finally hear the beautiful words come from Kiersten's lips...."Mama"! I love it! She mostly communicates through lots of pointing, and inflections in her grunts and squeels. She is a very very active girl who aspires to do everything that Annika does. She is currently trying to go on strike from sleeping in her crib, and wants desperately to switch into a big girl bed. We're thinking of switching her in a week and we'll see how that goes...I'm a little nervous about it. She went potty on the big potty 4 times last weekend. I'm not potty training yet, but just want to get her used to sitting on it. I'm NOT all about baby potties because they completely gross me out to clean them. Her hair keeps getting lighter and her eyes couldn't be more blue. She's so beautiful! She still smiles constantly too...what a great girl!

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